Hohm Depot

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  • Regular price $16.00


3005mAh | 16.8A CDR | 22.5A @ 80oC cut-off


    Can be charged at a tested/proven 3.60A rating with minimal impact to degradation

  • Can be charged at a tested/proven 3.60A rating with minimal impact to degradation

  • Amperage delivery at sustained voltages ensures powering relevant loads

  • Recalibrated chemistry formula comprised of DSP compounds

  • Progressive amperage-to-capacity and capacity-to-weight

  • EPTC (Enhanced Positive Thermal Coefficient): Reduction in Thermal Runaway potential

  • Equipped with the UPS sealing compounds as an extended assurance of proper operation and performance

    • DSP (Dual Stripping Process) formula and selection of raw chemistry achieves a greater cycle life than any previous Hohm Tech cell

    • 2nd Gen Cathode Tag integration to promote reduction in internal resistance

    • NEW slurry stir process enables greater consistency and minimizes cell-to-cell variation